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Managed Services - Cloud-based Network Monitoring & Disaster Recovery Solutions



ACNS Technologies realizes that data is the life-blood of your company. If you or your employees can't get to your data , you're out of business! Through the implementation of cutting-edge, cloud-based technologies, we can keep you in touch with your data...even if the wind blows and the lights go out. Let us introduce you to PODs and ODR by ACNS:


PODS by ACNS - Keeping you up and running 24/7.

What is PODS? Our Proactive Optimization and Diagnostic Services subscription can help increase your productivity by maximizing your business uptime. Choose Level I, II, or III and through the use of our leading edge monitoring technology, we can identify potential problems within your network and resolve them before they interrupt your business.




ODR by ACNS - Intelligent, full-system disaster recovery.

According to the Institute for Business and Home Safety, 25% of small businesses never reopen after a natural or man-made disaster.  ACNS offers ODR with an on-site server/appliance that can be quickly virtualized in the event of a server failure.  In addition to on site virtualization it also allows for off-site/cloud virtualization which will have your buisness up and in running in no time in the event of a catastrophe.

IT Staffing / Outsourcing

ACNS will work with your Management Team to perform a (ROI) Return on Investment study to see if this is a good choice for your organizations.  With staffing from ACNS you can rest assured that ACNS will never call in sick or go on vacation leaving you vulnerable.  Just as cloud computing can save you network expense outsourcing IT staff can save your HR department time, expense and exposure. 

Software Vendor Liaison

It can very confusing when looking for a new software vendor for your "ERP" Enterprise Resource Planning solution.  ACNS can work with your managment team in the sourcing and impmentation of any project in your future.  With our vast experience we can help you avoid the many pitfalls and help assure a smooth and successfull transition.

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